Monthly Archives: April 2014

Back to the Blogosphere

Almost one year has since my last post, and man have things changed around here! In short, I got promoted and went from working less than 30 hours a week to close to 60. The same week of my promotion I went out on my first date with Beau, who has since become my fabulous boyfriend. I went from many hours of free time each week to exercise, cook and eat healthy meals and spend time with friends to barely have the time (and energy) to get to know my new guy.

In these past 11 months I have learned (or maybe relearn) 2 very important things about myself:

1. No matter what amazing things may be happening in my life, even things I have wanted for years, I will not be happy if I don’t take time for my friends, eat well, and exercise. It didn’t hit me how off-balance my life was until I went to a Christmas party in December and I realized it had been over six months since I had seen my friends. During the first months of my new position, I was usually tired and no amount of caffeine could help with that. My love handles that I fought so hard to loose were coming back. I had lost all balance in my life.

2. Blogging is a must. Blogging is one of my favorite hobbies, one of my favorite things I have. It has connected me to new friends, new interests (vlogging) and reunited me with old favorites (beauty stuff).

So, here I am!

So happy to be back.

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Filed under Blogging, Life