My sister visiting Sacramento! And TSwift

Happy Labor Day, everyone! I can’t wait to tell you about my weekend, photo journalistic style. (aka I am so tired but I really want to blog about it).

My fabulous sister, Sarah flew into Sacramento on Friday. This was her first time visiting me – ever! It was so exciting. She had never really spend much time in Sacramento, so it was super fun showing her my little town.

On Friday night, we went to happy hour.

After happy hour, on the way to dinner.

Saturday we slept in and then my mom, brother, S2 and Buddy came to visit. It was so much fun. We had lunch and loved that sweet little baby a lot.

After an afternoon of hanging out with my mom and sister (my brother and his family had other people to visit in Sac), my mom decided to try on my sister’s shoes.

I swear I was not posing in the background. I really couldn't believe my mom was trying on my sister's platform shoes... A little dramatic, I know.

Saturday night, Sarah and I went to the Taylor Swift concert. My pseudo step-sister went to the Taylor Swift concert in LA last week and called it the TSwift concert – so that is what Sarah and I called it for the entire weekend.

For the TSwift concert, Sarah bought vintage boots for me to wear.

My outfit was a hit.

Yep. That's Tahn pouting in the background. She's upset that we were leaving.

On the way to the TSwift concert!

As soon as we got to the concert, my prediction of being the oldest people at the concert sans children was confirmed. Not only were there tweens there, but there were also four and five-year-olds.

Yep. that’s right. Women in their late twenties, at a concert for teenagers. It was awesome.

As soon as we got seated, we started tweeting like crazy. If you follow me on Twitter, you were very amused stopped following me immediately after my large amount of tweets. Sarah and I started tweeting to each other, which, (was confirmed later) was only funny to her and me.

Anyhoo. Taylor came on just after 8:30, and performed a full two hours. I couldn’t help but to compare her performance to Britney’s performance earlier this summer.  Not only did Taylor sing every song, but she also was so interactive with the crowd. (Compared to Britney who lip-synced most songs and barely talked to us). As my sister pointed out, Taylor was truly grateful that we were there and made us feel that way.

Plus, she put on a fantastic performance.

Photo from the concert.

By the end of the night, Sarah and I were on a TSwift high. The TSwift concert was the best concert I have ever been to. I will always go and see her perform. I recommend you do too. 🙂

Sunday morning, my dad came up and took us to an amazing brunch before Sarah headed to the airport. It was such a great weekend!

During the encore, Sarah captured me doing the "Taylor Heart". Taylor, and all her fans do this heart at her concerts. It's truly what I felt at the end of the night.


Filed under Family, Fun Things, Things I love, Vacation

5 responses to “My sister visiting Sacramento! And TSwift

  1. I’ve definitely been to some of those concerts too where you just know you’re the oldest person there that isn’t a chaperon.

  2. Brettski

    Schweet blog! I’ve heard “TSwift” puts on a good show. The reading of this entry made the last few sips of my iced coffee during my mandatory CA 15 minute break even that much sweeter. Mad props to ya, yo!

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