Category Archives: Love

Things I like this week (vol 16).

Love San Diego. Best decision ever.

Love San Diego. Best decision ever.

  1. TheSkimm. I. AM. OBSESSED. It’s funny, informative, and my one of the best parts of my day. I wake up excited to read it and cry a little on Saturday and Sunday when they take the days off.
  2. Nicole’s post to Do Whatever You Fucking Want. Hell yeah.
  3. Maskcara’s makeup recommendations. I’ve been using L’Oreal Voluminous Mascara for months (I randomly chose it one day) and it’s the best mascara I’ve ever used. I started using her recommendation for a lip liner (yes, it’s sold as an eyeliner, but you use it as a lip liner). I’ve gotten many compliments every time I’ve used it. I’ve very fair so I have to be careful with it, but it’s fabulous.
  4. Noosa yogurt. When I started antibiotics to rid myself of my sinus infection, I ate yogurt everyday to make sure the good bacteria stayed alive and well. My roommate has been eating this brand for months, so I decided to try it. I love it. The downside? It’s pretty pricey. (My fav is the raspberry. Oh my YUM).
  5. Goody Simple Styles Spin Pin. It makes the most perfect bun that stays. I saw this product months ago and thought it was a big joke, but after seeing Maskcara use it successfully I decided to try it. (I found that inserting the spin pin horizontally works better for my hair. Also, like Maskcara, it works best on dirty hair).
  6. Hollywood Housewife’s very brave, honest and heartfelt post on anxiety. My favorite part: “(Anxiety is) like allergies. You can manage it, but it’s still something that is there. Okay, it’s not really much like allergies. But it’s something I have no control over. And like depression, or PPD, or any other number of mental health issues, severe anxiety is not something you can talk yourself out of. One can’t simply ‘calm down.’ Deep breaths are not the answer.” I wanted to stand up and cheer.
  7. I took Jessica’s recommendation and tried Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer. I love it. It really brightens my face, and covers dark circles.
  8. Jess Lively’s free May wallpaper. It’s brighten my desktop and makes me smile every time I see it.

Happy Tuesday! xxoo


Filed under Beauty, Blogging, Food!, Fun Things, Love, Money, Things I like, Things I've learned

28 things I learned in my 28th year

Today I am 28 years old. 🙂 Here are 28 things I learned in this past year.

  1. I love going to plays. I saw two plays (Good People and The Brother’s Size) this year, and I was moved to tears by both. I can’t wait to see the next one!
  2. I enjoy TV shows that have one word titles; “Revenge”, “Deception”, “Nashville”, “Survivor”, “Scandal”, “Chicago Fire”… oh wait. Never mind.
  3. You can teach an old dog new tricks.

    Tahn at her first (second round) of Puppy Class

    Tahn, at her first (second  time around) Puppy Class

  4. I hate living in a messy bedroom and a messy house. (Also: I hate all the clutter and stuff I have. I am in the process of getting rid of many things. DVDs and old Coach purses, anyone?)
  5. I like driving with my windows down.
  6. I need to do yoga weekly. With or without a studio.
  7. I shouldn’t wait until I make more money to start saving money. I am learning to make better (small) financial choices daily.
  8. I did find an exercise that I love.
  9. Meditation only helps with stress if you practice it daily. Meditation doesn’t help when you’re remarkably stressed or upset.
  10. Being honest and telling the truth continues to be the best and most challenging decision I’ve ever made in my life.
  11. Eating well daily and consistently keeping active will help you lose (and keep off) weight.
  12. I like thriller novels. (Just like my grandma).
  13. Being single is really fantastic. I have embraced my singleness this year (after the dramatic failure of an attempted relationship) and I am much, much happier single.
  14. I was born a leader. And I become a better leader everyday.
  15. Making time for myself has a paramount affect on my happiness spectrum.
  16. I actually do like going out. As a self-proclaimed home-body, I have found friends whom like doing what I like to do – happy hours!  (and other things). I love
  17. Acts of kindness from strangers are some of the best experiences you’ll ever have.
  18. While making friends can be challenging, once you find them, they bless your life in more ways then you could ever imagine.
  19. San Diego is one of the best places to live. (My sister was right).
  20. Doing the right thing and treating others with respect doesn’t guarantee that you won’t have conflict in your life. In fact, there is no protection at all. Sometimes, you do the right thing and get burned. Don’t be deferred. Do the right thing.
  21. Although I value the opinions of those who I care most about, their opinions are just that – opinions. I am the person who has to live with my daily choices and life. My opinion is the only one that matters.
  22. Having a nephew is great. Having a niece and a nephew is really fantastic.
  23. Tahn LOVES a routine.
  24. The difference a year makes. I am in such a better place then I was a year ago. And a year before that. Aging is awesome!
  25. I need to learn how to speak slower. For real.
  26. Non-judging is key to my happiness.
  27. Kitchen appliances, although they take up space, can be very useful for healthy cooking. (A food processor and blender are on the top of the list, not far down is a rice cooker). (Also: I am my father’s child).
  28. My mom and dad really, truly love me with all of their hearts. (It’s not that I didn’t know this, but this year I was overwhelmed by their love for me on many occasions. I went home a few weeks before Thanksgiving and the one thing I took away from that weekend was that my parents just love me. It is one of the best feelings in the world).

    My mom and me.

    My dad and me. (Hey Dad, we need to take a more updated picture. This is from 2009).

    My dad and me. (Hey Dad, we need to take a more updated picture. This is from 2009).


Filed under Blogging, Crazy Dog Lady, Exercise, Family, Fun Things, Life, Living Simply, Love, Tahnee, Things I love, Things I've learned

A few thoughts

The other night on my flight home from celebrating Buddy‘s first birthday, I thought about a few things:

  • Above all, my family is the core of me. Hands down, they have been and will always be the most important people in my life. I can’t quite articulate my feelings for them, but I will sum it up to this: I love my family more than anything else in the world. They are my comforters, my nurturers, my challengers, and the people whom I sacredly love.
  • I am continuously surprised how much I love Buddy. Saturday morning, I woke to my dad and Buddy walking down the hall, very sleepy. (And Tahn, OF COURSE). My brother and S2 had a holiday party on Friday night, so Buddy slept at my dad’s. He woke around 6am, and my dad brought him to me. Buddy was pretty confused why his Aunt Brittany was there and why he it was still dark, but he adjusted. I gave Buddy his bottle and then he was ready to go back to sleep. (Yes, you read that right. Buddy wakes up, eats, and goes back to sleep. He is my kind of child. Clearly, we are made of the same stuff). My dad thought it would nice if Buddy snuggled down with me and went back to sleep. After a short amount of time, Buddy finally settled in and fell fast asleep. (Details? Buddy was snuggled in as little spoon with his tiny baby feet squished in my legs. It was heaven on earth). In the past I’ve snuggled and slept next to other children; I was a nanny for 12 years – but snuggling with Buddy? The best sleep I’ve ever had. We awoke a little over two hours later, feeling great.
  • Tahn is officially the best dog I have ever met. Yep, I said it. After being away from her for so long, meeting a bunch of other dogs, I can say that Tahn is amazing. She is kind, loving, obedient and fun. And? Next to Buddy, she’s the BEST SNUGGLER IN THE WORLD.

Snuggle Bun. 12am Saturday morning.

  • Although I had some adjustments in my new life in San Diego, I really love it here. I can’t get over how beautiful it is here. Even today when it was raining and pouring, it was gorgeous. I love that I live 15 minutes from my sister and I get to see her at least once a week; I haven’t seen her this much for over 10 years. It’s really fantastic.
  • The most important quality I look for in others is kindness. It all started a little about fours years ago when I walked into a dear friend’s home and on her entry way table she had a small sign, “Approach everything with kindness.” It was then I knew the man I walked through that very door with was not kind. It started off when I first realized on our second date that he was not kind to strangers,  three months in I realized he was not always kind in stressful situations, a year and three months I realized he was  not kind to Tahnee and ultimately, two years and one month into the relationship I realized he was not kind to me. I have since realized there are only two type of people in the world; those who make an effort to respond to others and in kindness and those who do not. I believe that many, many people are unkind. I’ve seen it for years. At work, in relationships I’ve been in and been witness to, in interactions with others. But, I’ve also met many people who are groundbreakingly kind. These people may not always be the best version of themselves, but they are authentic, real and intentionally kind. I strive to be this person everyday.
  • I know one thing for sure: my instincts about a person, situation, or group of people have never been wrong. I can spot a bad apple from a mile away. Often I feel neutral about a person/situation/group of people. But when I have an incredibly bad feeling? I just know. After years of trying to ignore my intuition, I am finally embracing it and learning to appreciate it.

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Filed under Crazy Dog Lady, Family, Fun Things, Love, Tahnee, Things I've learned


This week is a significant week in my family.

My sister-in-law (S2- because she is my second sister) has studied for months and months for an oral exam she had today; she studied through her normal school and work, through the birth of Buddy, through everything. S2 has completely dedicated herself to this exam – giving every free moment to studying. She has said “no” to many fun activities – a sacrifice to learn. And I am so proud of her. On top of this, S2 has continued to be a stellar wife and a spectacular mother. I am in awe of her discipline and perseverance. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have a sister like S2.

Tomorrow is my sister Sarah’s 28th birthday. Sarah is my older sister of 20 months. I have never known life without her. Sarah has taught me so much. She helped turn a shy, soft-spoken child into a confident, talkative adult. Sarah’s passion for life and unbelievable energy has always inspired me. Sarah has been one of the most influential people in my life. Sarah is my soul mate. I know Sarah unlike anyone else in the world. We have a connection I cannot describe; it is profound, kept in our hearts. Sarah knew what she wanted in life. She went full speed ahead and worked like a dog (holding 4 jobs while going to school) to have her dream – being on the radio. She is unexpected, entertaining, and incredibly smart. When people tell me I look like her, I have always taken it as the best compliment because she is beautiful. Sarah will drop everything in her crazy, jam-packed life to talk to me. When we talk, she gives me her full attention, devotion and love.

Sarah and me. (Thanks, Jay!

And tomorrow, my dad is retiring after almost 26 years of service to the United States of America. My dad has given American citizens a gift I don’t even understand. He has sacrificed a large part of him to protect American citizens. He is the best you can find in his job, hands down. He has gone on countless secret missions to protect the US. These missions will never be publicized, they will never be on the news, and he will never meet the President and get the honor he deserved. His three children and one grandchild will never know the extent of his work. We will never truly understand all that he did for us. He will retire and go on with his new life, without civilians really knowing what he did for us. On top of his unbelievable service to the US, he has been the most incredible father I could have ever asked for. He has put my brother, sisters (S2 and Sarah) and me above his own thoughts, wants and needs. He loves us without condition or expectation. He gives and gives and does not ask for anything in return. He is a remarkable man and I cannot believe how blessed I am to have him as my father.

To you, S2, Sarah, Dad – I celebrate you.



Filed under Family, Love

Being Aunt Brittany

Not Buddy. (But he sure is cute, isn't he?)

Just shy of six months ago, I became an Aunt. My brother and sister-in-law had a beautiful little boy, whom I’ll call Buddy.

When I learned of my sister-in-law’s pregnancy just over a year ago, I was elated with joy. I love children – I always have – ever since I was a little girl and was the mother of my dolls. I started helping my older sister baby-sit at the age of 11, and continued to baby-sit (and nanny) until I turned 21. At 21, I was making a good $40 an hour being a nanny, but it wasn’t fun for me anymore. I realized that taking care of stranger’s children was hard – I (usually) fell in love with the children, but (usually) not the parents. I decided the only children I would take care from then on would be of parents that I loved – and for no payment.

Anyway – back to a year ago – the news of my brother and sister-in-law’s baby. I think my brother and sister-in-law are such great people, and I was so happy that they were going to have a child. But even past that, I was so happy to be an Aunt.

I have dreamed about being an Aunt just as long as I have dreamed about being a mother. So, for me, this baby – my sweet Buddy – is a dream come true.

When Buddy was born, and I first got to hold him, I had an overwhelming sensation of love. Unconditional love. I unconditionally love my family and close friends (and of course, Tahn!) but this love was different. When I held Buddy, my brain was flooded with an indescribable amount of joy and happiness; almost like a drug – a high – from the baby. The only way I can explain this phenomenal experience is because I love my brother and sister-in-law so much. (And do you know what? Every time I hold Buddy I still feel sensation. Every time).  🙂

Anyway. I was visiting my family this weekend and I got to spend most of the day hanging out with Buddy. It was great as usual. Buddy is a very happy baby, and just loves hanging out and playing. Spending time with Buddy today put me in a great mood and it gave me that extra nudge to get out of my funk.

I thought it was interesting that tonight when I got home, (after spending the day with Buddy) I read a portion from Elizabeth’s Gilbert’s Committed about being an Aunt. I thought it summed up how I feel so well that I would share it here with you.

Jane Austen once wrote to a relative whose first nephew had just been born: “I have always maintained the importance of Aunts as much as possible. Now that you have become an Aunt, you are a person of some consequence.”

(photo credit)


Filed under Love


In all of my Facebook free time, I’ve had a chance to read my favorite blogs – and discover new ones. In the last three days, I’ve read three anniversary tributes.

I hope that one day I will write something like this:

Or this:

Or have this written about me:

Happy Monday.

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Filed under Love

A great love

To my beautiful new nephew, you are one of my great loves.

All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.
Leo Tolstoy

For, you see, each day I love you more,
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
Rosemonde Gerard

If I know what love is, it is because of you.
Herman Hesse

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.
Winnie the Pooh

Love conquers all things.

Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable.
Mahatma Gandhi

Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.
Saint Thomas Aquinas

We are all born for love…it is the principle of existence and its only end.
Benjamin Disraeli

Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
Emily Bronte


Filed under Love

A Thankful Heart

I am truly thankful.

This week was Thanksgiving, known for Turkey, friends and family. For many, Thanksgiving can be very stressful. Family can be tough. Although you love each other, spending time with family can be quite challenging.

I’ve a few stressful and challenging holidays in my life (especially since my parents got divorced). And holidays tend to be a nerve-racking event for me. “How will this one go?” I wonder. “Maybe this year will be really great” I hope. But, sometimes, the holiday seems to be less than desired. I’ve tried to lower my expectations for all family holidays, and just try to have a good attitude. Every year, the planning of which parent we see when can also be very stressful for my siblings and me.

To be honest, I really wasn’t looking forward to Thanksgiving. I have had a lot on my plate, and I just didn’t want to have a stressful holiday. Often, when I predict the holiday will be good, it tends to be bad, so I tried not to make any predictions.

Tahn and I saddled up and drove home to celebrate the weekend. I had two Thanksgiving dinners planned- one with my dad and one with my mom. And this year, both Thanksgiving dinners were fantastic. Not only was the food unbelievable at both, but, I really enjoyed myself.

Then, last night, I was invited to a third Thanksgiving dinner hosted by some of my wonderful friends – and it was also a blast and the food was delicious.

Here I am thinking, how many people get to go to three great, fun, and delicious Thanksgiving dinners? How many people have great (and sometimes flawed) loving families as well as amazing friends?

Although my immediate family is far from perfect, they are pretty fantastic. I had a moment this weekend of being extremely grateful for each of them:

-My dad: always my best friend and dedicated, devoted supporter. He bends over backwards to make my siblings and me happy. I had so much fun cooking with him and just “being”.

-My brother and sister-in-law: wonderfully supportive, loving and inspiring. Also, they are expecting their first child to arrive very soon, which bring so much joy and happiness to our family.

-My mom: always supports and loves me unconditionally.  This Thanksgiving, I really enjoyed talking with her about my life and hearing her thoughts.

-My sister: although she lives further away and did not make the trip this year, I feel so much closer to her than I have in a long while and it is so incredibly wonderful.

Often I think, “The main reason I have such a fantastic life is because of the parents and family I was born into”. And this year, I have to say that I am even more grateful than ever.
I am truly thankful.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year, too.


Filed under Family, Food!, Friends, Holidays, Love